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The Dons take down Valencia 23-47

The tension was palpable as the Dons charged onto the Valencia field this Friday. Having lost to the Vikings in a heartbreaker at home last year, the team was primed for revenge. However, the first quarter proved to be a slow start for the Dons as the Vikings gained three on the opener, and a pair of null drives for each team closed out the quarter. Valencia then extended their lead through a 6-yard touchdown run, bringing the score to 10-0. As the second quarter began, the tide changed for the Dons as a personal foul on Valencia during a field goal attempt brought them into the red zone. This led to a 10-yard touchdown run by junior running back/safety Monty Lopez on first and goal. The Vikings then proceeded to regain their 10-point lead as they scored their second touchdown of the night. SB answered on the following drive as a design run by junior quarterback Laird Finkle set up a 3-yard rushing touchdown for senior running back/linebacker Bode Fauskee. The Dons then opted for a two-point attempt which proved to be unsuccessful due to a questionable unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. This brought the score to 17-13 with two minutes left in the half. A false start on the kickoff gave the Vikings prime field position which they used to their advantage as a 20-yard pass led them deep into Dons territory. As the Vikings descended towards the red zone Lopez came away with a crucial interception giving the offense a final opportunity to score. As the clock ticked towards halftime, Finkle took a chance on a long pass to senior wide receiver/cornerback Kai Mault that brought the Dons to the 15 yard line with 9 seconds left. From there the offense ran one final play before senior kicker/punter Thiago Valerio split the uprights, bringing the score to 17-16 at the half.

           The Dons received the ball to start the second half but an unsuccessful drive led to a turnover on downs. However, a run back on a forced fumble by Fauskee on the following drive got the Dons their first lead of the night as the score came to 17-23. A second interception by Lopez gave the ball back to the SB offense who continued to execute as a second field goal by Valerio extended their lead to 17-26. Valencia swiftly answered with a touchdown which cut the deficit to just three points as the fourth quarter began. The rest of the game was all Dons as Fauskee punched it in for the second time. As the clock reached the 6 minute mark, a long touchdown pass to senior wide receiver Carter Debusk solidified the win. From there, Finkle aired it out to Mault in a gutsy Hail Mary bringing the final score to 23-47. 


  • Ember Reiter

    Ember Reiter is a sophomore at Santa Barbara High where she is a member of The MAD Academy. This is her first year writing for The Forge and she hopes to continue with the paper throughout high school. Outside of school she enjoys dancing at Santa Barbara Festival Ballet, where she has been training since she was three years old. She is also a big sports fan, especially football, Go Pack Go!

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