Greg Zuffelato, widely known as Mr. Z, is a well-known and adored teacher all around campus here at Santa Barbara High School. From being a freshly 25-year-old biology teacher and freshman basketball coach, to being one of the best known teachers at the school, his career has lasted more than a decade within our school walls.
Not only is he well-versed in biology, but in 2018 Zuffelato began teaching health science education, and would create incredibly tight-knit communities and meaningful friendships with students. In 2023, Zuffelato switched to teaching kinesiology and has been teaching it ever since then.
In addition to teaching, Mr. Z is an entrepreneur as well. “For ten years between teaching, I started my own company called ‘Too Busy to Eat,’ and what came out of that was the ‘Busy Bar.’ I did nutrition and weight loss counseling for ten years,” said Zuffelato. His experience in being an entrepreneur led to more practice within public spaces and public speaking, which is a large aspect of his current career as a teacher.
When asked about his plans for his current and future life, he responded with, “I just want to teach and coach at Santa Barbara High School…until I’m 95.” With a visible and achievable plan, it is safe to say that Zuffelato will be within the school grounds for many years to come.
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