Axell Wilson
My name is Axell and I am a senior at SBHS. I have been a part of The Forge for two years now. My advice might be cliche, but it’s important; be true to yourself and don’t dwell on others’ perceptions of you. Being true to yourself attracts people who genuinely like who you are. If you change yourself and try to conform you will be surrounded by fake people. I know that highschool seems scary, at least for me it was, but if you keep calm and be yourself you will achieve everything that you set out to do.
Savannah Delesalle
Savannah is a senior at SBHS who is a part of the Girls Varsity Golf Team. Savannah’s advice for lowerclassmen is to get involved with school. She recommends students,“Join clubs, extracurriculars, and join the golf team.” She proclaimed that participating in all things highschool has to offer is what gave her memories and friendships that she will treasure forever.
Colin Reeves
Colin is a senior at SBHS who’s been in the MAD Academy for four years. Colin’s advice for freshmen is simple: allow yourself to rest. “If you’re thinking of staying up late and finishing all your work late into the night, don’t. You’ll wake up and go to school tired and drained and it’ll become a cycle. So get some sleep and shizz.” Colin prioritizes his mental health and wellbeing over being a perfect student.
London Moro
London is a senior at SBHS and one of ASB’s pep and rally officers. She is a four-year varsity track athlete, Santa Barbara High’s Fashion Club president, and a two-year member of the MAD Academy. London’s advice to freshmen is to not be afraid to use your voice. She stated, “Speaking up for what you want done is very powerful and makes great change towards who you wish to become. You can easily inspire others, and create a powerful unique world for yourself.”
August Nielsen

August is a senior at SBHS, a captain of the Boys Lacrosse team, and a part of the MAD Academy. August’s advice to SB’s lowerclassmen is, “don’t be scared to ask stupid questions and don’t lag on due dates.” His determination and willingness to try is what propelled him into success, and allowed him to reach all of the goals that he set out for.
[Image Credit: Axell Wilson]
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