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Second Semester Club Rush Approaches

With the end of the first semester, and the start of the new one, we are met with yet another opportunity to try out new activities and get to know classmates better: Club Rush! On March 7 in the quad at lunch, all of our student-run clubs will be set up at tables ready for questions and sign-ups. So, if you missed the first Club Rush this year, don’t worry! At the second semester Club Rush, you will be able to check out clubs you missed last semester or visit the new ones that have just been created. Here are a few clubs you should check out while you’re there: 


The Library Advisory Board Club is a great way to get involved with events in our beloved Santa Barbara High Library. You will also be able to participate in holiday themed crafts at lunch while you relax and have pizza! The Library Advisory Board club meets on Thursdays at lunch in the library.


This club is the perfect opportunity to get more involved in computer science. Here, no matter if you are a girl or not, you will be able to help teach coding to younger kids in our community! Girls Who Code Club meets on Tuesdays at lunch in room 25.


The Mental Health Awareness Club is a great resource to use if you are needing support from your peers and teachers, or if you are wanting to be there to support your peers. This club has limited requirements for its members, only that when you show up you are present and ready to listen! Mental Health Awareness Club meets on Wednesdays at lunch in room 109. 


If you want to be able to write for our school newspaper but don’t have room in your schedule for the class, this club is perfect for you. Here, you can collaborate with other journalists and create a piece– whether that be an article or artwork– that will be featured in The ForgeThe Forge Club meets once a month on Thursdays at lunch in room 87 in the English building.

The Forge Club table [Image Courtesy of Olivia Battles]


  • Camille Pomerantz

    Camille Pomerantz is a senior at Santa Barbara High School and has been a member of The Forge for two years. Also a member of the Computer Science Academy, she enjoys both English and STEM subjects in school. She loves to write about things going on on campus and in pop culture and is looking forward to continuing this year.

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