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SB Donettes Seniors’ Last Dance 

As the school year comes to an end, we acknowledge our seniors. The Santa Barbara dance team, The Donettes, have broken record after record with their dance abilities, and the types of dances range from hip-hop to jazz. 

Coaches Patricia Carachure and Quincy Ruggieri have both been with the Donettes since last year, starting in August 2023. Carachure and Ruggieri are SBHS alumni, and were asked to apply to coach after they choreographed for the team in the spring of 2023. 

“The Donettes have won first-place titles in their competitions for the past three years. This year, they placed first in their division at the SHARP international competition. Additionally, this was the Donettes’ first year receiving an invitation to compete at the world-renowned competition Hip Hop International (HHI). HHI is a professional dance competition where famous dance troupes like “Royal Family” and “The Lab” often compete. It’s an honor to be invited to perform on a professional stage like HHI.” Said Coach Quincy. When asked about competitions, she said “Comps are stressful but incredibly rewarding. They are usually all-day events and sometimes the team competes in more than one category that day. On competition days, the team practices their routine in parking lots outside the theater for last-minute practice.”  

Pily Sanchez is on the Donettes despite having only been dancing for one year. Sanchez will continue dancing at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she plans to join a group there and study Psychological and Brain Sciences. “The competitions were unforgettable experiences with incredible people, and winning first place at one competition was a memorable highlight. I love how vibrant the dancing community is. Being part of this team has led to strong bonds and friendships that I’ll forever cherish.” 

Senior Tom Foreman has been dancing on and off since elementary school and has always had a passion for dance, which he started taking more seriously once he started high school. “I have been on the Donettes since sophomore year. I started with Dance I when I was a freshman, and discovered the dance team when I came back the next year. It was actually a very last minute decision. I submitted the registration late the night before, but I am so glad that I joined when I did.” When asked about pursuing dance in college, Foreman said “Definitely. It feels weird to lose something that’s been so big and important to me throughout my years here. I’m planning on joining a hip-hop team based at the school I go to and possibly auditioning for a professional adult competitive team in the area.” Foreman will attend the University of California, San Diego in the fall.


  • Camila Garcia-Otero

    Camila is a sophomore at SBHS. She is on the cheer team and loves going out with her friends. This is her second year as a staff writer on The Forge.

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