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A New Pathway to Success 

The Translation and Interpretation Pathway is the newest CTE pathway at Santa Barbara High School with up to ten students graduating with the seal for the first time in the school’s history, as well as in California. Santa Barbara High School plans to implement two new interpretation courses by next spring to create more opportunities for bilingual students.

I spoke with student Jasmin Flores who plans on getting the seal, and she spoke about the process and how she found her way into the program, saying, “my counselor believed in me when I didn’t….he put me in a Spanish language class for the seal and let me know of all the opportunities it would give me in college.” She also mentioned how growing up as a bridge between her immigrant parents and speaking English has definitely put pressure on her school and everyday life, but added “I definitely feel that it helps me connect better.”  

I learned more about the pathway from its lead, Alison Mendoza. She explained that the interpretation program plans to focus on career readiness and networking in the community along with college readiness, and helps students look into more specific areas of expertise. This pathway is also beneficial “within specific industries such as the medical, legal and education fields, as well as the ethics and justice aspects of language access,” according to Mendoza.

Image courtesy of California Department of Education


  • Sabrina Cruz

    I’m Sabrina cruz I am a freshmen at Santa Barbra High School i have always had a love for journalists and journalism because of the guts it takes to tell the truth no matter the cost always had me in awe .i have never been apart of a paper but I’m excited to start working with the forge this year.

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