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Band Rings the Closing Bell

As the 2023-2024 school year comes to an end, The Forge’s last edition is centered around honoring seniors from different groups that make up Santa Barbara High School. Groups that not only bring life to Santa Barbara High School, but groups that also allow students to find community as they connect among peers with like minded interests. Out of those groups it is important to highlight the different bands on campus, all led by Tyler Ravelli. These bands include: the marching band, the jazz band, and the concert band. Although each band serves different purposes, they all have been a vital part of the culture at Santa Barbara High School over the years. One example of band involvement is the marching band played at every home football game during the season, successfully helping to create a lively and energetic atmosphere at each spirited match.

When asking the seniors of band about a favorite memory they have made over their four years, they all expressed their immense love for the band. In an interview with Raglan Kear, a senior who has been a part of the Concert Band as well as the Jazz Band since his freshman year, said “I have just loved coming into class every day and being able to play with such a great group of people and learn from an awesome teacher. I already liked jazz before but being in this band [at SBHS] has really made me love it.” 

In another interview with student Lucien Thomas Crannell, he not only discusses the presence that music has had in his life since he was, “about six,” but he also states, “I love Mr. Ravelli, and I love the kids here.”

Sierra Gronquist the lead pianist for the Jazz band also commented, “I’d say probably just coming to class every day and just getting to be with the people I’ve known for so long, and having fun making music with them. It’s such a highlight to my day.” It is evident through these interviews that the band program at SBHS has impacted these seniors, as much as these seniors have impacted band. Their musical presence at Santa Barbara High School will be greatly missed. 


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    Hi, my name is Emma King. I'm a freshman at SBHS. I love writing about issues that matter and I love journalism. I also love playing the guitar and ukulele.

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