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Senior Advice to Freshman

Entering high school can be a difficult adjustment, sometimes you need a helping hand. This year, some seniors gave their support by offering advice to lowerclassmen who aren’t quite used to the high school environment yet.

Chloe Ciccati, a senior Visual Arts and Design Academy (VADA) student at SBHS, would recommend that lowerclassmen stay on top of their homework, but don’t let it overwhelm the fun that high school can bring. “Don’t procrastinate until the last minute and turn in something crappy, and also don’t make school the only thing you focus on, it is important but make friends and have fun too.”

Sophia Senn is also a senior VADA student at SBHS. Her best advice to lowerclassmen is to try new things. “Take advantage of opportunities that you have because you never know where you’ll end up and what experiences you end up having.”

Mason Martz is another senior VADA student. He spent his freshmen and sophomore year on the track team and recommends you do so as well! “My best advice would be joining a sport. It helped me meet some of my best friends and it occupied a lot of my boring free time. It also taught me a lot about responsibility and perseverance. It can boost your social life a lot and you get to skip class for meets or games sometimes which is nice.”

Thierra Essellier-Norton is a senior Multimedia Arts and Design (MAD) student at SBHS. She also played on the girls lacrosse team for two years. Her best advice would be to get to class as fast as possible! “Walk faster. All freshmen should try running in the hallways!” 

Overall, being a freshman can be challenging. It’s important to remember to do your best but it’s just as valuable to make memories in school. Join clubs, meet new people, and try new things. Although four years make seem like a long time, it will be over before you know it.


  • Nadia Listenbee

    Nadia Listenbee is a junior at Santa Barbara High School and this is her first year as a member of The Forge. She joined the forge because she loves fashion and music and sharing her writing with the school.

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