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Senior Sunrise: Dawn of a New Don

On Thursday, September 12, the class of 2025 got their first official taste of this year’s senior events with senior sunrise. The event began at 6:15 a.m. as seniors left behind the comfort of their beds to join their classmates on the field in Peabody Stadium. While enjoying the breakfast and pastries provided by ASB, students watched as the sun rose on the start of their senior year, beginning the long waiting period before college decisions, promposals, and inevitable goodbyes. 

Students had the opportunity to commemorate the morning by taking photos with the decorated frame and partaking in a TikTok showing themselves and their old baby photos, while many others enjoyed the large bouncy castle in the background of these festivities. As the sun came up and shed its light on the break of the new day, the class of 2025 gathered together to take the first group senior picture in their matching senior shirts. 

“It was so much fun. I really enjoyed all of the activities, especially jumping in the bounce house,” Caitlyn Buist said of the event. For Buist, the event was somewhat bittersweet as it was the first one of this year that made it clear how close seniors are to the finish line. She felt, “Kind of sad but also super happy. I’m glad we did that…It’s crazy that we woke up so early, but it was definitely worth it.” 

While some spent the morning complaining about the early timing and their lack of sleep, for many the event served as a reminder of the progress that they’ve made over the course of their time at SBHS. “It’s like all the people around you are the people you’ve grown up with,” Danika Mislang reflected. The food, photos, and games all came together to form a successful bonding experience for this class of 559 students, as Mislang shared, “The moment that we all got together for the photo really set it in my mind that this is our senior class.”

Surrounded by friends and classmates, seniors spent the morning with the people they’ve grown up with over the past three years, transforming into the graduating class that we have today. And so, the sun has risen on the class of 2025, the details of their legacy still waiting to be written. The final chapter of their time at SBHS has begun and won’t be closed until sunset. 

[Image Credit: Mary Moses]


  • Mary Moses

    Mary Moses is a senior at SBHS and the current editor-in-chief of The Forge. In her spare time, Mary enjoys playing tennis, cooking, and writing. In addition to being a part of The Forge for the past four years, she has been involved with the Varsity Tennis Team and the Mock Trial Team. Mary hopes that this year's edition of The Forge will bring together the SBHS community by encapsulating the nature of the Dons family.

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