Described as melodic, with sounds reminiscent of the indie band Slow Pulp, The Freaks are the latest indie rock band in Santa Barbara. The band consists of members Max Lorenz on bass, Genevieve Mack on drums and guitar, Izzy Mack on guitar, and Thierra Essellier-Norton as lead vocalist. When asked how they came up with their name, they explained humorously, “It sounds kind of weird, but we always call each other ‘freaks’, it’s just one of those things we say to each other.” With their latest single, “My Love, Naomi” being released in March 2023, they are excited to share their music with the rest of the world. When it came down to their creative process for writing songs, they expressed, “We just sit down, get on the instruments and play around!”
With their own musical backgrounds, each member has a unique story regarding their discovery with music. Lead vocalist Thierra says, “Listening to new and different kinds of music is what got me into creating it.” Drummer and guitarist Genevieve explains, “I’ve always had a strong connection towards music, and because I grew up with it, it definitely influenced my taste now.” Genevieve credits her dad for influencing her music taste and teaching her different chords as a child. Max, the bassist explained, “I love listening to music and creating playlists. My dad plays guitar, and he always pushed me and my siblings to learn how to play.” From a friendship formed in junior high, Instagram DMs looking for a lead singer, and an overall love for music, The Freaks formed in November of last year.

After their formation they started to draw their inspiration from bands such as Inhaler, Surf Curse, and smaller Santa Barbara-born bands such as Field Daze. “With lyrics, Fiona Apple is our biggest inspiration.” They recently held their first show, where many friends and fans came out to support them. “I was so nervous at first,” explained Thierra. “But when we played ‘My Love, Naomi’, and people were singing along, it was the coolest, weirdest feeling ever.” They record at the studio Notes for Notes, a non-profit organization that provides free access to instruments, instruction, and recording studio spaces. “We record once a week and practice four out of the five weekdays.”
While currently working on a few more songs, they are getting ready to release their first EP in hopes of getting signed to a record label. When asked where they see themselves in the future of the music industry, they responded, “We just want to keep making music and having fun no matter who’s in the band or what’s going on.” They are planning on hosting more shows at the end of April and can’t wait for more of their music to be released. You can find more information on their upcoming show dates and music releases on their Instagram account, @thefreaksmusicofficial

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