As shown in student walkouts, teacher work-to-contracts, and animated school board meetings, the ongoing battle between the Santa Barbara Teachers Association (SBTA) and the Santa…
Piper Morgan
Piper is a senior at SBHS. She loves hiking, the beach, and spending time in nature. She loves movies and is excited to write articles for Arts and Entertainment.
On April 22, 2024, the Santa Barbara Unified School District (SBUSD) school board convened to discuss changes to personnel and programs within the district pending…
Deltopia, UCSB’s annual weekend-long rager, returned to Isla Vista on the weekend of April 5-7 despite extensive restrictions placed upon the party by local law…
For the casual moviegoer to the film guru, the period between late January and early March marks an exciting time for entertainment: awards season. During…
On February 12, SBIFF presented legendary filmmakers Martin Scorsese and Justine Triet with the Outstanding Directors Award, which recognizes remarkable achievements in directing. The Forge had the…