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The Forge

Upcoming Band Events

The SBHS Marching Dons have constantly proved to be an important staple in high school culture. With their coordinated music and choregraphies, their extravagant uniforms,…

Pressures Of College Applications

As college application deadlines are coming up, seniors at Santa Barbara High School are dealing with increased pressure, as work loads become more difficult to…

Razo Remains Principal

On August 21, 2023, the school year began with a new interim principal: Fred Razo. The former principal, Elise Simmons, resigned on August 2. Santa…

Dracula Review

This fall, the Santa Barbara High School theater put on a very entertaining production of Dracula adapted by Eric Lehman. This show was directed by…

Sports Plagued With Injuries

When playing a sport, injuries are bound to happen, and every athlete who plays a sport knows this before they step onto the court or…

SB Humane Society Welcomes the Holiday Season

As the holiday seasons are approaching, and the spirit of giving arises, people tend to make additions to their family and lend a helping hand…