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The Forge

Yearbook Growing Pains

The yearbook has come under a significant amount of scrutiny the last couple of years. Since the transition from Ms. Light to Mrs. Roesch, students…

The Book of Awesome Women Review

The Book of Awesome Women Review: Caroline Nuhn With March being National Women’s Month, many bookworms are picking up, discovering, or revisiting their favorite books…

New Bell Schedule at SBHS

It is official: changes are coming to the bell schedule at Santa Barbara High School. As of the 2021-2022 school year, the current six course…

Soccer Loses in CIF Semis

The Dons boy’s soccer program had one of their best seasons in years this 2019-2020 season. They had a solid group consisting of talented seniors…

AP Testing

Approximately 570 students are enrolled in AP classes this year, and with AP tests coming up in May, students are finding that they need to…

Dog For Governor?

Recently a Kansas man, Terran Woodley, tried to run his dog Angus for Governor. Although the wiry haired vizsla was denied the right to run…

The Royal Exit

The continuing saga of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex has been dominating current news coverage surrounding the royal family. It has been reported on…