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The Forge

Money in the New Age

As the first generation to grow up with modern technology, we know that many years from now, everything will be digital. Lately, We have seen…

The Four Agreements

After reading this book I would recommend this to anyone wanting to expand their knowledge on Toltec teachings. Toltec is a pre-Colombian Mesoamerican culture that…

Gamestop Stock Influx

If you have been keeping up with the news you might have heard about the GME (Gamestop) stock influx in the past weeks.  On September…

Dear Zombie Apocalypse, I Hate You

A Short Story “As the world finishes the first complete year, we have seen little to no human contact. The remainder of what we call…

Pihu Review

The Netflix movie, Pihu, tells the tale of a toddler who was left unsupervised the morning after her mother overdosed on pills at her party.…

How Students are Coping

All teens cope with COVID-19 in different ways and there aren’t any “right ways” to cope with COVID-19.  One way some teens cope with this…